Our paper about VirtualFlow was published in Nature:
Our paper about VirtualFlow was published in Nature:
We have tested VirtualFlow on large scales in the cloud. It worked smoothly, and exhibited a linear scaling… READ MORE
In the latest version of VirtualFlow (both VFVS and VFLP), the I/O has been further decreased subsantially, reducing… READ MORE
The first video which demonstrates how to use the virtual screening module (VFVS) of VirtualFlow is now available.… READ MORE
The first hands-on tutorials for VirtualFlow are available. These are intended for beginners and provide step-by-… READ MORE
We are making available the largest ready-to-dock library in the world, containing more than 1.4 billion distinct… READ MORE
Major overhaul of the code, which provides:
VFLP is now able to desalting and/or neutralize the initial ligands which should be prepared. This is useful… READ MORE
The input/output database structure now has one additional hierarchical level: Meta-tranches.
VFLP now uses Nailgun for running the Java-based programs of ChemAxon's JChem Suite. Nailgun provides a persistent… READ MORE